vineri, 28 iulie 2017
luni, 17 iulie 2017
joi, 6 iulie 2017
Furatul miresei
6. Kidnapping the bride: Another sort of wedding game is the Brautentführung or kidnapping of the bride. Close friends will at some point "kidnap" the bride after the ceremony, dragging her from bar to bar while the groom tries to find them. The cheeky kidnappers might just also leave the bill behind for the groom to pay.
Sursa: 10 things you need to know before a German wedding.
sâmbătă, 1 iulie 2017
Amintiri: Halloumi la grătar
Nu la fel de delicios ca la orice tavernă din Cipru, dar merită încercat. Unde? La Terasa Verona (str. Pictor Arthur Verona 13-15, București ).
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